科研管理 ›› 2021, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 1-10.

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  1. 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,北京100190
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-02 修回日期:2021-02-10 出版日期:2021-04-20 发布日期:2021-04-19
  • 通讯作者: 陈凯华
  • 基金资助:
    基金项目: 国家杰出青年科学基金项目:“创新管理与创新政策”(NSFC72025403,2021.01—2025.12); 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员项目:“国家创新发展体系研究”(Y201934,2020.01—2021.01);国家自然科学基金面上项目:“多维创新指数的全过程构建及在创新发展质量测度中的应用研究”(NSFC71874179,2019.01—2022.12)。

Digital innovation development economic system: The framework, evolution and value creation effect

Kang Jin, Chen Kaihua   

  1. Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • Received:2021-01-02 Revised:2021-02-10 Online:2021-04-20 Published:2021-04-19
  • Contact: Kai-Hua Chen

摘要: 数字化时代,数据作为新的要素进入到创新发展经济体系中,改变了原有的要素构成和主体关系,急需健全数字化背景下创新发展经济体系研究的理论基础。本文提出数字创新发展经济体系的概念及其分析框架,并从“围绕数字自身创新发展形成的经济体系(Ⅰ型)”和“创新发展经济体系的数字化(Ⅱ型)”两个相互融合增值的体系出发,来界定和理解数字创新发展经济体系的内涵。本文认为,在数字化时代,数字技术不断升级突破、知识生产方式不断优化、创新要素关系不断增强、创新主体边界不断扩大、制度和条件不断完善为数字创新发展经济体系的演化提供了动力支撑。最后,本文在数字化背景下拓展了熊彼特的创新发展经济理论,指出数字创新发展经济体系通过投入创新数字化、产品创新数字化、工艺创新数字化、市场创新数字化、组织创新数字化等五类渠道实现价值增值。

关键词: 数字化, 创新发展, 经济体系, 数字技术, 价值创造

Abstract: The new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation represented by digital technology is reconstructing the global economy and technology landscape. China is actively deploying digital transformation policies, hoping to promote the digital transformation of economy. The digitization has strengthened the connection of the innovation development elements, resulting in blurred boundary between different actors in the innovation system, making traditional innovation development theory faces a new environment. So, there is an urgent need to build a framework of digital innovation development economic system, and to characterize its evolutionary power and value-added path. Numerous literatures examined the impacts of digital transformation, revealed that digital transformation can not only affect innovation, but also create economic value. However, the existing research has not constructed a framework that combines digital innovation and digital economic development, which makes it difficult to systematically comprehend China′s digital transformation.In this study, we define the basic concepts such as data element, digitization, and innovation development economic system. Then we construct the framework of digital innovation development economic system from two aspects of "the economic system formed by innovation development of digital elements (Type I)" and "the digital transformation of the innovation development economic system (Type II)", which are deeply integrated and symbiotically evolving. Secondly, the paper analyzes the internal driving force of the digital innovation development economic system. It shows that the evolution of the digital innovation development economic system is as follows: the digital technology has become the core force of innovation development, promoted the transformation of scientific research paradigm to data-driven, strengthened the relationship among innovation elements, and expanded the scope of innovation actors.Furthermore, this paper introduces the changes of driving force caused by digital innovation development economic system into Schumpeter′s theoretical framework of innovation development. This study reveals the value creation effects of the digital innovation development economic system from five perspectives as followed: (1) Input innovation. Driving by digital technologies, data has become a new production factor and helps to optimize  and reconstruct traditional production factors. (2) Product innovation. The digital transformation can enrich the variety of products, but also improve products′ quality. (3) Process innovation. Data elements can save the cost of other elements such as capital and labor, promote intelligent production. (4) Market innovation. The digital transformation can satisfy the needs of an existing market, and create new markets by precise pricing and marketing. (5) Organization innovation. Digital platform connects firm with external entities at low cost, makes the boundaries of different entities appear flexible. Finally, this study proposes that it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical framework and system monitoring research of the national digital innovation development economic system, explore the policy construction of the digital innovation development economic system that responds to the needs of development transition. This article analyzes the compositions, driving forces, and value creation paths of digital innovation development economic system, enriches the theoretical discussion of innovation development economic system and sheds light on how digital transformation shapes innovation and economic development.

Key words: digital transformation, innovation development, economic system, digital technology, value creation